...now from Seattle

Monday, January 25, 2010

Methow Valley 2010

the mexican is getting braver with the cold

Cassal Hut

clear skies for skiing and sledding on Saturday


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandparants owned this ski area! Calloway & May CASSAL owned C/C (cattle)Ranch & sold it to recreation company; thot this now gov't envionment-protected area. How can I get photo of CASSAL LODGE? Any other CASSAL references in Metthow Valley?
Pls contact me with info on this.

9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pls contact me CASSAL HUT.
(See comment: My grandparents, Calloway & May CASSAL,owned this propt as C/C Ranch!)


9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


What town or area is the Cassal Hut in Montana near?

What is the Hut's history - plaque was too small to read.

Thanks for your time!

5:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


What town or area is the Cassal Hut in Montana near?

What is the Hut's history - plaque was too small to read.

Thanks for your time!

8:55 AM


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